Insight Shaharbill

Insight Shaharbill

Shaharbill Union
Shaharghona is village name. So the villagers expressed as Shaharbill. Since its inception in 1992 lakhyarchar, purbabarabheola and phansiyakhali split is the name of Shaharbill union Gazette. And from that established by the Council shaharbill Union.

Name - Shaharbill Union Council No. 12
Chairman : Alhaj Abdul Hakim
Take responsibility - 01/06/2011 AD
The date of the first meeting - 12/07/2011 AD
The term Expire Date 07-07-2016 AD

Dimensions - 43.68 (sq km)
population - 30288 people (almost) (2011 according to the census)
The literacy rate - 44%. (2001 according to the teachings of the survey)
Government primary school 5

High School two:
Shaharbill BMS High School Est: 198--,
R.K. Nurul Amin Chowdhury High School.
Madrasa :
Shaharbill Anwarul Ulum Fazil Madrasa Est 01-01-1918
Religion 2 Muslim and Hindu

Rural population
Maijghona 4300
Shaharbill 8500
Rampur 2300
Kajali baperchar 1260
Gurunnyakata 1450
Umakhali 1470
Koralkhali 1590

Insight Shaharbill Insight Shaharbill Reviewed by Unknown on 12:57 PM Rating: 5

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